Like most children, the will find hundreds or thousands ways to play with their toys, or even anything surround them. They will show their artwork, whether it is good or bad, to their parents, teachers, or maybe friends without hesitation. They don't have fear from other people's thinking or judges because they have trust and feel secure towards their trusted and comfy environments; that will encourage them to play more. Unlike children, adult tend to fear what other people think, whether they like or dislike it. That will make adults cannot explore more of chances, and afraid of discovering something new; instead they choose to edit things, not explore new things. Play gives us that secure and relax feeling, and when we relax we won't have any burden at all. Because of that, we can be easily engaged with new open possibilities and lead us to be more creative.
In my opinion, playfulness cannot be taught because playfulness is based on people's own mind, feeling, mood, or even thinking. There are no exact rules or study to playfulness. Besides, playfulness is also subjective. One person's playfulness doesn't mean other's playfulness. Playfulness will comes out when people enjoy the things they like; so people actually can make their own playfulness, not by being taught by other people.
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