Felix Thom, a talented sound builder, did something out of the box yet the result is very amazing. He connected two unrelated aspects, music and computer program into one. You must be curious what it is look like and how it is going to be. He use the unused instruments and rebuild it again by adding some machines and properties that connected to wire and computer. Then later on, he can control or play the instruments automatically using the computer. Brilliant!
What I reflected from is that you can be think freely and no need to be burdened by the rules. Like what he did, we connected music with computer program, and he make something that sound really beautiful and outstanding. Connecting two things that are not similar or even not related in new ways, is actually a training to produce or think creatively. Besides, he also use old fashioned or unused instruments, and we can learn that unused or rotten things are still can be useful if we are creative enough to make a way of using it. Just remember, the key point is do and think out of the box and creatively, and we may get unbelievable yet amazing result.
Here's the video for more details!
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