NAFA Fun Day

Friday, 9 October 2015

Last Friday all NAFA students just had their fun day! The weather was so nice and of course very hot, but I still enjoyed all the activities there. My first fun day here was absolutely fun! Here's the highlights of the fun day.

1. Foundation Flag

The design is very cool and nicer than other department flag *LOL. With yellow color as the background, it suit the sunny beach perfectly. The logo also very simple yet nice so the flag not too many detail and can focus on the logo only.

2. Talent Show

Wow you can look the crow at the pavilion. They are all watching the talent show which I think it is the most attractive one. Many NAFA students were participating in this talent show, and showcasing their hidden talent. The talent consist of singing, band and dancing, and that were all amazing! We are all indeed art student, right? HAHA

3. The Beach

As we go to Siloso Beach, we should talk about the beach of course, The beach is beautiful and also very soothing. It is quite clean also. I went to small island across, and the place is very comfortable. I sat there about 1 hour because it is not really hot, and we can directly see the sea and the wind is very relaxing.

4. Foundation Power

After finish all the race, at the end of the event, the emcee finally announced the general winner. And, it belongs to... FOUNDATION!! the first time we participated in the event, and we directly become the champion HAHA. It is all because the energy and great participation from the foundation students. So proud!

Force Connection

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

This week we learned about force connection. Force connection is combining two unrelated things into one and form and creative artworks. Here are the examples of force connection!

1. Wheel chair

Wheel chair is the combination of chair and wheel and the result now are very useful for people, especially in medical fields.

 2. Pen - Smartphone

Pen Smartphone
This type of smartphone is combining pen with phone. People in the pas may not imagine how to write using a pen into their phone. But now, it is possible to do that.

3. Umbrella Hat

Umbrella Hat
Many people might already see this everywhere, and yes, this is the combination of hat and umbrella. I think this is quite useful as people no need to bring their umbrella with hand, but they can directly put it in their head, so that it will more effective and easier to use.

 4. Project Ara

Project Ara
People think that smartphone is the most outstanding and modern type of phone? The answer is not now. Introducing Project Ara, this is the combination of smartphone and lego. Such an contrasting object and impossible to make, but actually it already invented. So we can arranged our phone icons like lego, but the function still the same as the phone.

5. Camera Glasses

Camera Glasses
In the past, it is only a fiction in detective stories or movies when the glasses can take pictures. Now, it is finally happening as the glasses can be combined with camera, and we are able to take pictures just with glasses, and we don't need to bring camera again.

Force Connection - Things Expression

For the force connection topic, I get to connect two things that I choose with all the expression above and sketch it. So this is my things selection.


2. Candle

Reflection - Linking Disparate Ideas and Building Musical Sculptures Out of Trash

Felix Thom, a talented sound builder, did something out of the box yet the result is very amazing. He connected two unrelated aspects, music and computer program into one. You must be curious what it is look like and how it is going to be. He use the unused instruments and rebuild it again by adding some machines and properties that connected to wire and computer. Then later on, he can control or play the instruments automatically using the computer. Brilliant!

What I reflected from is that you can be think freely and no need to be burdened by the rules. Like what he did, we connected music with computer program, and he make something that sound really beautiful and outstanding. Connecting two things that are not similar or even not related in new ways, is actually a training to produce or think creatively. Besides, he also use old fashioned or unused instruments, and we can learn that unused or rotten things are still can be useful if we are creative enough to make a way of using it. Just remember, the key point is do and think out of the box and creatively, and we may get unbelievable yet amazing result.
Here's the video for more details!

Reflection - Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work

Shawn Achor gives his opnion and point of view about what true happiness is. A lot of people think that the successful they are, the happier they will be. They will set new goal and after reach it, more goals will be set. If we think about it, when will we be happy if we always set new goals and never appreciate what we have. Shawn told us to reverse and change our mindset about that wrong thesis. We should not do a better work to gain happiness, but in the other hand, we should be happy in order to do a better work. 
In my opinion, what he say was right, as if we are happy and enjoy enough to do something, then the result will be so much better. So, what I reflect is I should be happy and appreciate what I have now and enjoy whatever I take or do, in order to have amazing result. 
For more details about his talk on TED, here's the video.

Android Updates.

in past view years, google's android have made an awesome improvement in their system, user interface, and also in their logo. Yep, logo is one of the main important thing for me in the operating system life. not just android, apple mac os also made some improvement in their OS, but well, for me apple didn't make that much change in their logo.