Must Watch Cartoon / Animation of 2015

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

As I am from animation and illustration courses, well I will talk about cartoon or animation of 2015.
These cartoons may have connection to the analogical thinking, because all of them actually non-human characters that live 'like' human; they talk, eat, sleep, socialize, and others. So, I will explain further!

1. We Bare Bears

The newest cartoon in Cartoon Network, it has already stolen many attention of viewers with all ages. The animation and drawing is simple yet really nice, and I think the cartoonist depict each characters really well. Besides, funny story line really help them to get their fame. Telling story between three bears, they try to live and blend together with human lifestyle and live like human. 

2. Minions

With a very clear and cute animation drawing, this animation movie can be nominated as the best one with their hilarious story line. Minion is an fictional character or species that had lived for thousands of years, and they can communicate, wear clothes, and catch villain just like human. So that's why it can be connected to analogical thinking. 

3. Inside Out

This animation is very famous this year and catch many hearts of youngsters. I personally like the character drawing, as it is suits their feeling or actually their character well. Besides, this is a uncommon story as it tells about the life of human's feeling. Once again, they communicate and act 'like' how human do. LOL.

4. Hotel Transylvania 2

This movie is the most hilarious animation that I've ever seen this year, and the story from the start until the end is really entertaining. Everything is perfect, the character, animation, setting, even story line is very good. It tells about all monster character we know like vampire, Frankenstein, mummies, wolverine, etc live in harmony with human and even start to live in human way.

5. Peanuts

Well, this movie is still 'coming soon'. From the trailer, I can say this movie also will be hilarious like the other. Actually, 'Peanuts' or people may know as 'Snoopy (the dog)' is a legendary cartoon that already famous from the generation above us ( I mean our parents may know this LOL), and because of that, I really admire this cartoon and wait for the movie. Well, the movie also telling about animal which is 'Snoopy' is acting, thinking, or even talking 'like' human.

What I can get from those well known cartoon or animation is that to make a good animation, we cannot just think about the drawing for the characters itself or only the story line, but we should balance it together in order to make a great movie. Besides, the more creative and 'out of the box' the story line, the more famous the cartoon will be. Like all those 5, they are all very creative as they use animal, monsters, or may newly invented characters to make story about them and adjust it towards the human lifestyle, so that people can understand and interested in it better.


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